Yesterday was my official last day of this term - exams are done! It's all over! (for three weeks, anyway)
But the end of term is a bit anticlimactic. All this week when I was stuck there at my kitchen table, conjugating verb after verb and writing essays and occasionally pausing to do chores and gaze out the window, I kept waiting for this moment. Now it's arrived, and... ? Now what? I guess the last day is never as thrilling as it was in primary school.
That said, I'm still very excited for a couple of weeks without class, and just as the weather is turning nice. I have some nice plans especially for what I'll do around here:
I'd like to get some geraniums for my kitchen window
Do some painting
Finish up a bunch of sewing that's gotten stymied in the middle
Now I hope I'll keep this in mind and not get bogged down by work - that is to say, my office job.
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