1. It's Passover! I love Passover. And Passover cooking. It forces you to be creative. And eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Although I mostly end up suriving on apples and tam tam crackers.

2. It's also Easter, we brought home a beautiful lilly, and I have to-day off work!

3. My boss is keeping the clinic open on Monday, the official holiday, and I'll be working, which means I'll be paid double time AND another day's full pay. It will be like earning... well, a lot per hour!
4. Blue skies. Spring in Montreal! I always feel a sense of accomplishment upon making it, sanely, through another winter.

5. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to go home for the holiday this year, but... my wonderful mum is taking adantage of the long weekend and finally coming to visit!
6. My Kitten may not we well-behaved but she does take a nice photograph

7. Last week a friend I haven't seen since high school and I finally connected for the first time in years. It was so, so nice to talk again, when I was expecting we'd never hear from each other again.
8. School term is over! except for exams next week, one in-class and one an essay. Summer semester starts in May and I'm excited: German and biomedical ethics. Since I took German in h.s. I'm hoping it will all come back to me for an easy pass. I'm even more excited for fall semester : Hebrew, Italian Advanced Grammar and Composition, and two more very interesting courses.
9. I'm the most excited for summer! and swimming at Oka! and summer clothes! and sunshine! and dancing to rock'n'roll and open windows and geraniums in the kitchen sill!

I just can't get enough of that blue sky
10. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Johanthan Safran Foer. I highly, highly, highly recommend it.

11. Mini-legumes!

Stay tuned for a "use-what-you-have"-themed sewing project.
1 commentaire:
Beautiful cat, and the last picture, mmmm... spring is full of lovely pictures, right?
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