1) This Cascade 220 I got to make a sweater:

I think I chose the wrong shade of blue, so unless I can decide to stick with one of those two, I'll need to go back and exchange it for a slightly lighter, more robin's-eggsy shade.
2) This pattern, which I started in high school out of a scratchy acrylic, and will now re-make out of said Cascade:

3) This adorable little heart-heart shaped plant I got today:

4) Look how his little branches are reaching up to you!

5) This adorable book I am reading:

These Gallimard Folio editions, it was only 3.95$ when I was in Victoria and contains a dozen nice little excerpts from litterature on the subject of "Happiness". I also have the one on "Friendship", and would really like the one on food in litterature.
6) A morning coffee from Bulldog:

I was so sad to realise I'd forgotten my camera this morning and couldn't take a picture of the perfect leaf he drew in my cappucino.
Okay, that's all for now!