Would you believe it, I went back to the old template and just changed the colours. It's not perfect, but ok for now. I've been making a lot of socks lately, I'll post a picture when they're all done. I've got five different yarns to knit up.
vendredi 24 novembre 2006
New city, new blog look! (I live in Toronto now)
But I don't like this completely... I forget how to change the colours and get rid of that green. And I want the side bar to be farther to the right to give me more space. Hmm...
I am a student and I also spend a lot of time making things, or at least try to. I have always felt the appeal of a more hand-made way of life, so I try to replicate that at home. I like to cook healthy things as well as knitting, sewing, and sometimes drawing or painting and writing. I also know how to embroider and crochet but don't do those as often, at least not right now. I would like to make quilts. I would love to live in the countryside When I'm not making something, I spend hours and hours reading and watching films for school. I love to drink tea all day long and take pictures of all these things. I'm not really dull... I don't think!